Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Memory
My favorite Christmas morning memory is the year mom did a doll house for us four girls...beautiful wooden Victorian house...looking back now, I can't imagine the hours she put into it...there was wallpaper, carpet, crochet rugs, bed linens, paintings on the walls and tons of furniture with the doll family. It was simply wonderful. My sister now has the house, in near perfect condition, wish I could get a pic to post here, but time doesn't allow.
Wishing you all a very Merry and safe Christmas season.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Christmas present
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Dear Santa,
This fab shop is offering to get my list directly into your hands....
I would dearly love some fabrics for Christmas:
any assortment of these prints would make me giddy.
and before it is too late, this lovely bundle would be put to good use.
and, since you are busy, and have a heavy load, this is always a well received gift.
Your biggest fan,
Thursday, December 10, 2009
big boy bed
Have you ever seen anything like this? It is old and nearly thread bare in spots, and the flat sheet has a hole or two, but I am in love!
The illustrations remind me of Ezra Jack Keats illustrations.
Sophie's pillow
I don't think this will be my last pillow. I like small projects!
Here is a picture of the back of the pillow using a Kaffe fabric that I do not remember buying.
Chloe's quilt
Here is front and back of a quilt I finished last year for my niece, Chloe. I had other plans to post a finished pillow, but our furnace has decided to NOT work on the coldest, windiest day is nap time now, and if it's not fixed by end of nap, we are picking up and going to camp out at the library for a while. It is 12 degrees and winds around 20mph I think.
Anyway, thought I would at least show you something I have completed, even though it has been over a year since finished. I love the square patchwork quilts...I should make them more often, but I also feel like there are so many 'cool' things to do with quilts, why do just squares? Will get picture of new pillow I made for my niece for Christmas in next day or too...
Sunday, December 6, 2009
I can't to be quite honest, and I even picked up a few followers!!
Anyway, I would like to congratulate Holly! She is my winner!
I will email you shortly Holly.
Thanks everyone for playing!
And a special thank you to everyone who made suggestions or posted a link for Hugo's big boy quilt!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Sew Mama Sew Give Away Day!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Lucky November
November has been a really lucky month for me. I won two really great giveaways. Earlier this month I won 7 YARDS of fabric from BJ Lantz designing for E Studio. Check out this amazing fabric. BJ was so kind to send 1/2 yard cuts instead of fat quarters...what a gem!
Then, just today I get an email from Sarah telling me I have won a gorgeous pair of Gingher scissors. Do me a favor and click HERE to see what I am talking about. gorgeous, right? and best money can buy in my opinion!
So when I read that Sew Mama Sew was hosting Giveaway Day on December 2nd, it didn't take me long to decide to join in! So come back here Wednesday and see what I will be giving away, not to mention the hundreds of giveaways around blog land...just click the button in the top right corner to find out all about it!
edit to add: I am going to show the picture of the fabric I won...I think, even with my bad picture, it shows off the fabric better than the Internet link. It really is a great pile of fabric..different than anything in my stash, so I'm looking for some ideas (hint...hint).
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tag Sale
Monday, November 23, 2009
Moms wreath
Well, I finished the wreath last night. I really like it. I need to finish off the top with ribbon or something to hide the remaining hanger hook.
But if you are interested in doing this, I want to give you a few tips I think you will find helpful.
*definitely glue all the ornament tops with hot glue.
* definitely scour your thrift stores, but make sure to purchase ornaments with metal hooks, not the plastic hooks...I lost about 9 ornaments by those plastic hooks just breaking in two.
I guess that is it. If you have any questions feel free to ask!
Also, here is a link to the wreath tutorial.
Christmas Presents
Friday, November 20, 2009
Flea Market Fancy giveaway
is where I should be showing the darling pear pincushion 'giveaway button', but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the button to post!
Whether you sign up for the giveaway or not, please sign the petition to let Freespirit know we would like a reprint of this fabulous fabric line!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Pay It Forward
Sorry no picture today...trying to post quickly while Colette and Hugo are bouncing on the bed!!!!
Friday, November 6, 2009
and really really enjoyed working with these fabrics...and log cabins. I love doing log cabins...I should do them more often...
and now...I think I need to buy some Kona cottons. beautiful fabrics to work with.
If you are not a member of a quilting bee, I highly suggest it, I'm having so much fun with mine!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
daylight savings
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Halloween garland
Monday, October 26, 2009
I made some fabric garland using a tutorial on Sew,Mama, Sew this past month and it is so darling. I used gingham fabrics and it will be perfect for a girls I am going to try some Halloween garland using the above fabrics, and some Christmas garland using the fabrics below...of course I may do some switching of fabrics yet, but these are the piles I'm starting with.
Hopefully I can post soon with all my various garland projects! Have any of you done garland before? Im using a scalloped design...just curious if there are any good tutorials of other shapes?
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Magnets and a winner
Colette and I are having a great time making fabric covered magnets. So, pretty much, if you get a Christmas present from our family, you can expect one of these!
This giveaway business is kind of fun!
Here are your random numbers:28
Timestamp: 2009-10-21 18:04:14 UT
I went to and according to my count and anyone who did a blog posting, the winner is Melissa!
What fun! Melissa is in my Dozen Quilters bee...I really need to figure out how to do the buttons so I can add that to the side of my blog.
Congratulations Melissa! I will get it in the mail to you!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Fabric swap
Sunday, October 18, 2009
busy weekend
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Doll Quilts and a Giveaway!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Baby Quilt
This is my most recent quilt. Measures approximately 36x45. And is boxed up waiting a trip to Indianapolis for my college roommates soon to be born son.
I learned a lot of things doing this quilt. Firstly, I need a lot of work on 'fussy' cutting if that is indeed what I was doing with the center blocks. My head must have been in the clouds when cutting because I don't feel like I feature any animal very well in the center. bad technique, wrong fabric/size square...maybe all of the above...lesson learned...hopefully!
I also learned about working with no pattern. I just assembled blocks as I saw fit and used white fabric to square up the blocks...then I add the sashing. Still not sure it is ideal, but it is OK.
It was quilted by my local quilt shop. They just got a longarm and agreed to quilt this and my sister's baby quilt (previous post) for $15. I thought since time was tight it was a good idea!
I thought this was my favorite when taking photos, but now I am not so sure.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Blogger's Quilt Festival