Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Memory

Kelly is having a giveaway/walk down memory lane and it is fun to join in!

My favorite Christmas morning memory is the year mom did a doll house for us four girls...beautiful wooden Victorian house...looking back now, I can't imagine the hours she put into it...there was wallpaper, carpet, crochet rugs, bed linens, paintings on the walls and tons of furniture with the doll family.  It was simply wonderful.  My sister now has the house, in near perfect condition, wish I could get a pic to post here, but time doesn't allow.

Wishing you all a very Merry and safe Christmas season.


  1. What a great Christmas memory -- and a great mom. I'd love to see a picture of it sometime if you can get one! Hope you have a Merry Christmas!

  2. oooooh, I'd love to see it Jenny! Thanks for sharing your fav. Christmas memory!
